Assiniboine Community College

About Assiniboine Community College
Assiniboine Community College offers over 30 programs in four academic schools of Agriculture & Environment, Business, Health & Human Services and Trades & Technology. With a main campus and the Manitoba Institute of Culinary Arts located in Brandon, the Parkland Campus in Dauphin, and five training centres in Winnipeg, Neepawa, Russell, Swan River, and Steinbach, Assiniboine offers comprehensive education services across the province.Assiniboine has over 250 full-time and 250 part-time staff, with an annual full-time enrolment of almost 2,400 and part-time enrolment of 1,500 in 2006-07. The college's total annual enrolment is approximately 9,500 when combined with distance education, continuing studies and contract students from across Manitoba.
The college is the exclusive provider of training for practical nurses in the province. In 2005-06, Assiniboine delivered six offerings of the Practical Nursing program in Brandon, Winnipeg and two rural Manitoba communities. Assiniboine also has the mandate for agricultural training for Manitoba through the School of Agriculture & Environment.
The average age of students that attend Assiniboine Community College is 28. Assiniboine has a high percentage of mature students. 61 % of our students are female, and 39 % are male.
The college offers over 30 certificate and diploma programs, eight apprenticeship programs, distance education and continuing studies programming, mature student high school and many many other options!
Manitoba Universities
- Brandon University - Brandon , Manitoba
- Canadian Mennonite University - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- College universitaire de Saint-Boniface - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Providence College and Theological Seminary - Otterburne , Manitoba
- Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- The University College of the North - The Pas , Manitoba
- The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- The University of Winnipeg - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Winnipeg Technical College - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Yellowquill College - Winnipeg , Manitoba